Bulgarian institutions and organizations:
European institutions:
EUROPEAN UNION tel: +359 2 933-52-52 fax: +359 2 933-52-33 e-mail: COMM-REP-SOF@ec.europa.eu web site: europa.eu |
European Parliament tel: +359 2 985 35 45 fax: +359 2 981 99 44 e-mail: epsofia@europarl.europa.eu web page: www.europarl.europa.eu |
Organisation for security and Co-operation in europe tel: +43 1 514 360 fax: +43 1 514 36 6996 e-mail: pm@osce.org web page: www.osce.org |
THE WORLD BANK tel: +1-202-473-1000 fax: +202-477-6391 e-mail: eds01@worldbank.org web site: www.worldbank.org |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development tel: +44 20 7338 6000 fax: +44 207 496 6097 e-mail: ASDFrontOffice@ebrd.com web site: www.ebrd.com |
International organisations:
FORATOM tel: +32 2 502 45 95 fax: e-mail: Foratom@foratom.org web site: www.foratom.org |
European Nuclear Society tel: +32 2 505 30 50 fax: +32 2 502 39 02 e-mail: info@euronuclear.org web site: www.euronuclear.org |
International Atomic Energy Agency tel: +43 1 26 000 fax: +43 1 26 007 e-mail: official.mail@iaea.org web site: www.iaea.org |
World Nuclear Association tel: +44 20 7451 1520 fax: +44 20 7839 1501 e-mail: info@world-nuclear.org web site: www.world-nuclear.org |
World Council of Nuclear Workers tel: +33 065869 0511, +33 067003 9015 e-mail: philippe.auziere@wonuc.fr web site: www.wonuc.net |
World Energy Council tel: +44 207734 5996 fax: +44 207734 5926 e-mail: https://www.worldenergy.org/contact/ web page: www.worldenergy.org |