BulAtom held its regular Annual General Assembly

Great interest was shown in the Assembly and representatives of 70% of the members of the association – companies, associations, universities, individual and honorary members – took an active part in it.

The Annual report on the activities and accounting reports of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum for 2023 were approved. The events organized and held in the previous year were reported – including the Traditional BulAtom Conference, meetings with MEPs in Brussels, participation in the Nucleareurope working groups, the preparation of statements and visions regarding the development of the Bulgarian energy sector and the decisive role of nuclear energy in it. A positive assessment was given to the ongoing and well-established practice of providing for use to all official institutions in Bulgaria the “Report on the dynamics of changes in the main indicators in the BULATOM database on the main characteristics of the electricity sector of Bulgaria to 2022“, developed by BulAtom for the third consecutive year.

The General Assembly of BulAtom adopted a Program for its activities in 2024, which is generally open and can be updated during the year. The main activities in it are related to: holding of the Traditional International Nuclear Conference “Bulgarian Nuclear Energy – National, Regional and World Energy Security”; active participation in the activities of Nucleareurope, development of analyses, organizing and holding events in support of nuclear energy; organization of various events and competitions with students from the BulAtom members universities. Special attention in the program is devoted to the expansion of BulAtom’s activities and work with secondary schools in Bulgaria, with the aim of popularizing the safe use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and to encourage students to continue their education in this field.